Monday 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

So in a few hours 2012 is going to end. A new year, new surprises, new adventures, new people, new tears, smiles, laughs and memories to be made. I honestly have no idea how its 31st December. The year has gone so bloddy fast. I remember blogging about how im going to enter year 11 and now i just completed my first term of year 12!. AHHHHH time is going so bloddy fast and I know that 2013 will go as fast if not faster.

I am going to graduate in 9 months. In september! Im going to be free from high school. I can almost taste the freedom. I keep a diary and looking back at my resolutions i have kept only a few. I am very bad at keeping new years resolutions. But then again they are quite impossible. Like one of my first ones we "stop biting nails" Umm hello? Old habits die hard i am 16 i don't think i will be stopping any time soon! haha :P i don't know what this years new years resolution will be and if i will even make one. I cant wait to write in my new diary! This years one has flowers, i basically gratified over my 2012 one which was green.

The top things that happened in 2012

  1. I went to UN Youth Camp which was an amazing experience. Met so many new people, made great friends and basically enjoyed my self
  2. Went to Manly with Yafa and had Ben and Jerry's ice cream
  3. Dad allowed me to go to Easter Show with my friends. So we went at 7 am in the morning. 
  4. Did the Chilli Challenge with Chantelle and the people from some tv network filmed us
  5. Went out more because my dad said i could and because I'm growing older! FREEDOOOMMM
  6. Became obsessed with youtube blogger Brownmanthinks
  7. Turned 16 and got my Licence
  8. Made new friends who are very awesome
  9. Got twitter
  10. Socialised more and talked with more people
  11. Dropped Chemistry which turned out to be a very bad decision
  12. Welcomed my niece into the world (Hridya)
  13. Welcomed my baby cousin into the world (Neil)
  14. Got a  small job and started saving up money for ENGLAND
  15. Bought stuff with my own money for myself and my parents
  16. Decided what i really want to do in Uni ( I really hope i stick to it )
  17. We bought another house
  18. Became close with my family and my brother
  19. Bought a pair of Doc Martens with my own money
  20. Died my hair
  21. Swam in an ocean
  22. Decided Law was not for me and that I would have probably died if i ended up doing Law at Uni
  23. Gave my brother who is deathly afraid of cockroaches a cockroach for his birthday all wrapped up in a box
  24. Was one of the top 50 Applicant out of 400 for the Youth Advisory Council 2012
  25. Got a chance to go to State Convention to represent my school
  26. Became reserved for Australian Constitutional Convention
  27. Met some pretty awesome scientists
  28. Fell in love with UNSW
  29. Bought my first pair of heels
  30. Bought a magical head band with Yafa 
2012 was undoubtedly an amazing year but not the best thus far. I'm hoping 2013 or 2014 will be one of my lucky years when I can truly experience the world. I have always been an introvert. I'm starting to creep out of my shell and experience the world and meet new people. I think ill continue to do that. I haven't made up my new years resolutions yet, but once i have i shall post them. (I'll do them by tonight)

And thank you to all of you who have read my blog and put up with my rants and random jibberish.

I wish you all a very happy New Years Eve and hope that  2012 - the year that was- was a spectacular one for you.

One Love.

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